There is no good time to get hit by a drunk driver. However, a crash during the holidays can be particularly upsetting. On top of having to deal with medical bills and lost wages, which is already stressful, victims can also struggle with missing holiday events and being unable to travel.
As such, readers can take the following precautions this holiday season to avoid getting in an accident with an intoxicated motorist.
Choose your travel time wisely
Certain times and days see higher numbers of drunk drivers. According to statistics, throughout the year, the number of drunk driving accidents in Texas is highest on Saturdays and between 2 and 3 a.m.
During the holidays, the number of drunk drivers can also increase the night before Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. These are the nights when people may be more likely to go out to the bars or attend a holiday party. As such, avoid driving during these high-risk periods if you can.
Protect yourself and your passengers
Whenever you get behind the wheel, make sure you are safe. Put your seat belt on. Obey traffic laws. Do not look at your phone or get distracted by passengers. Properly secure your children and pets. Slow down if the roads are dangerous or visibility is low.
These precautions make it easier for you to identify and potentially avoid a drunk or dangerous driver. They can also keep you safer if you do get into an accident.
Call for help
Drunk drivers might speed and slow down erratically. They may swerve out of their lane or follow you too closely. Some drivers ignore traffic signs, drive into oncoming traffic, forget to turn on their headlights, or make turns without signaling properly.
If you suspect that a driver around you is intoxicated because of these or other signs, pull over or slow down to keep your distance. Take note of the driver’s behavior as well as a description of the vehicle. Once you get to a safe place, stop and call the police to report the driver.
Unfortunately, we cannot force other drivers to make safe choices. However, these tips could help readers avoid a drunk driving accident this holiday.