Prenuptial agreements have something of a bad reputation in some quarters. Many people in Texas look at prenuptial agreements as pessimistic. On the surface, they can seem to fly in the face of traditional notions of lifelong marriage and "until death do we part." The...
Coping with the challenges of co-parenting
When a married couple gets a divorce in Texas, their community property acquired during marriage is split 50-50. Though the same rule does not apply to child custody, it is generally a good idea for parents to share custody and to work together with each other to...
Credit must be protected in a divorce
A divorced spouse in Texas may find that their credit score has dropped by 50 points or more. However, there's no separate credit grading category for divorcees that causes this to happen. This change in creditworthiness is usually created by the apportionment of debt...
Small towns have lower divorce rates
People often try to apply a standard divorce rate to all Americans. For instance, you may have heard the oft-cited (and inaccurate) claim that 50% of marriages end in divorce. There are a lot of problems with thinking of it this way. The truth is that different...
Motivations for a collaborative divorce
Lawyers are trained to solve problems while finding solutions that meet the best interests of their clients. However, an attorney experienced in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) also looks for opportunities for healing and growth along the way. While many...
Tips for a successful summer child custody arrangement
When you divorced, you and your ex decided it was best if the children lived with you throughout the school year and spent a few months in the summer in your co-parent’s home. It made sense at the time, given both of your work schedules, the great school the kids...
Mediation: The right answer for many divorcing couples
It’s a common misconception that litigation is the only way to dissolve a marriage. Most divorcing couples find that mediation is the best approach, as it allows them to maintain control over the process while avoiding the tension that’s typically associated with a...
The real reason the divorce rate has fallen
The old adage about 50% of marriages eventually ending up in divorce isn’t right. It’s actually about 39%, according to many statisticians, and it’s been trending downward for a while. The spike was due in part to the easing of divorce laws and social stigmas, but...
These 3 benefits of collaborative law shouldn’t be overlooked
Collaborating when you’re going through divorce might seem like it’s impossible. After all, part of the reason that you’re divorcing is because you don’t get along. Still, as someone who wants to save money and to be able to move forward without lasting financial...
Are you ready to ask for a divorce? Take these steps
Your marriage is on the rocks and you’ve tried everything to fix it. Rather than continue to hope for the best, it may be time to ask your spouse for a divorce. It’s a big step in your life, but it could be just what you need to regain your happiness. If you’re ready...